#DiversityDecBingo week two update


another week has gone, which means I’ve read a lot more books! sadly this week I was busier than last week which means I read a bit less

if you haven’t seen my week one update you can check it out here if you’d like!

this week I read:

I loved Far From You by Tess Sharpe, it was once of those amazing books that you just can’t put down because it just consumes you

and I’ve started reading:

I’m really enjoying this book, it’s really interesting

So that’s my wrap-up!

let me know what you’ve read this week!

Yasmin xx


6 thoughts on “#DiversityDecBingo week two update

  1. Glad you’re liking Labyrinth Lost because I’m really looking forward to reading it! It sounds really interesting. I loved your Diversity December Bingo reading list, especially the Zodiac Starforce! I love comics and female empowerment, so it’s definitely on my TBR now!

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